Narrow Passage

Welcome to the free game Narrow Passage. This is a great Arcade Games. Here are all possible solutions to the above nautical question, ordered from the higher to lower case letters. You can easily enhance your search by defining the number of words in each answer by indicating the number of larger bodies on either side of the narrow passage. A straight line is the shortest distance between two points, on either side. This distance is actually equal to the round-trip distance traveled between parallel geographic directions. Therefore, a straight passage between two points is a straight line.

An opening on either side connecting two land masses is called a narrow passage. If the land mass is on one side of the narrow passage, the area between the land masses is called a high pass. If the land mass on either side of the narrow passage connects two smaller land masses, the area between those two land masses is called a low pass. Connecting a strait or a low pass to a coast, a body of water, or a river gives the name to that body of water, river, or coast. Yup7 Games wishes you have fun playing Narrow Passage unblocked free game!